You’ve got to workers compensation claim, do you also have a personal injury claim? Well, it depends if the only other party involved is your employer then probably not but there may be other parties involved that you may not have even considered. That’s why it’s critical that you speak with an attorney as soon … Continue reading “Does a Workers Compensation Claim Mean I Don’t Have a Personal Injury Claim?”
What is a Permanent Injury and Why is it Important?
So, what is a permanent injury and how does it affect your personal injury case? A permanent injury is something determined by a medical doctor, you know when you’re hurting you don’t get better from it, that’s a permanent injury. But actually, in a personal injury case, it comes down to the testimony of your … Continue reading “What is a Permanent Injury and Why is it Important?”
What is Arbitration?
You’ve heard of arbitration, let me explain that to you. arbitration is when the two parties meet together with a third party called an arbitrator, an arbitrator will listen to the case from both sides and put a value to the case. The two parties can decide whether they want to settle at that value, … Continue reading “What is Arbitration?”