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Fort Lauderdale UPS & FedEx Truck Accidents Lawyers

Seeing a UPS or FedEx truck in Ft. Lauderdale or anywhere in South Florida is a common occurrence. These vehicles deliver all manner of goods to consumers, offering convenience and reliability. Just like any other trucks, however, they can cause accidents.

If you’ve been in an accident involving a UPS or FedEx truck, the most important thing you can do is reach out to experienced UPS & FedEx truck accident lawyers in Fort Lauderdale. At Coffey McPharlin, we’re ready to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Understanding UPS & FedEx Truck Accidents

These kinds of accidents occur for a number of reasons. Often, driver error is the problem, while other times, there can be issues with truck maintenance or company hiring practices.

UPS and FedEx have to follow a number of regulations involving the training and maintenance of their trucks. However, due to the continuously increasing demand for these trucks, companies may hire people who aren’t as experienced as they need to be or not train them as thoroughly as is necessary.

That could make the company liable along with the driver. In some circumstances, however, it might be the truck itself that could malfunction through no fault of the driver.

If the truck wasn’t maintained correctly or if essential parts, like the brakes, didn’t function properly, the maintenance or manufacturing company could be liable.

By far, the most common cause of most traffic accidents around the country, including those involving UPS and FedEx trucks, is distracted driving. On average, 424,000 people suffer injuries in accidents each year involving distracted drivers. If the driver is not paying attention to the road, UPS and FedEx trucks can cause serious accidents. The larger the vehicle, the more severe the injuries.

Speeding is another concern. A driver operating a truck and going too fast for road conditions will have a much harder time reacting to hazards. The collision force of these trucks will be greater as well.

Driver fatigue could be another issue. Drivers who are tired and sleepy can be distracted and may even fall asleep at the wheel.

How UPS & FedEx Truck Accidents Attorneys Can Help

Because Florida is a no-fault state when it comes to vehicular accidents, people assume getting compensation after an accident is simple. After all, you’ll be dealing with your own insurance company, right? What you have to understand, however, is that insurers are focused on protecting their interests.

They’ll look for any way to prevent having to pay you. Florida follows a modified comparative negligence doctrine, which means your degree of culpability in the accident can weigh heavily on the compensation you get. Insurers will try to pin as much of the blame on you as possible. If your fault is more than 50%, you can’t recover damages.

Having a lawyer helping you could mean a better chance of proving who was at fault so that you can receive fair compensation.

If your injuries are so severe that your personal injury protection (PIP) insurance can’t offer the kind of assistance you need, you have the chance to file a lawsuit against the other party. To do this, however, you have to prove negligence. This is complex.

First, you have to show that the party who caused the accident has a duty of care that they breached. Anyone operating a vehicle has a duty to drive safely, and actions like speeding, distracted driving, and fatigued driving put them in breach of their duty.

If, however, the truck maintenance company or even UPS or FedEx are to blame, proving they owe you a duty of care can be much harder.

You also have to demonstrate that the negligent party’s actions led directly to injuries you can be compensated for.

None of this is simple to accomplish and requires people who have experience gathering the right evidence. You also need someone in your corner who can negotiate with insurance companies effectively. You need UPS & FedEx truck accident lawyers in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

If negotiations fail, your lawyer can file a lawsuit and take your case to court. That’s not something you ever want to tackle on your own.

Coffey McPharlin: UPS & FedEx Truck Accidents Attorneys in South Florida

Dealing with the kind of injuries that a large vehicle like a UPS or FedEx truck can cause can leave you struggling with medical bills as well as other losses. It’s crucial that you reach out to lawyers who have experience with these accidents so that you can get fair compensation.

At Coffey McPharlin, we can help you deal with insurance companies so that you can focus on healing. Turn to us today at (954) 289-6136 to schedule a free consultation with UPS & FedEx truck accident lawyers in Fort Lauderdale.

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