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Product Liability Lawyers in Fort Lauderdale

Our daily lives have been enhanced by thousands of innovative products like automobiles, tires, medicine, power tools, sporting equipment, children’s toys, etc. We often take them for granted and assume that these products are safe for use by ourselves and our loved ones.

When you are injured due to a defect in design or manufacture that makes a product unnecessarily and unreasonably dangerous, you may be entitled to compensation from any or all parties involved in the design, creation, marketing, or sale of that product. A product liability case can be made for three possible types of defects: (1) Manufacturing defects, (2) Design defects, or (3) Failure to warn of known dangers. Defective products can cause consumers to suffer catastrophic injuries, such as: Spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, amputations, burns, drownings, or even wrongful death. Such injuries can result from defective tools, defective automobiles, lead-based paint on children’s toys, dangerous drugs, surgical hardware implanted during surgery (such as hip replacement), and tobacco products.

If you believe you might have a case, it is recommended that you consult a qualified and experienced product liability attorney as defective products cases are often complex and involve multiple defendants (Manufacturers, distributors, retailers, service centers, etc.).

We have the experience and the resources to investigate safety issues related to products through our network of engineers and scientists that are able to provide expert opinions about defective design, manufacturing, and alternatives. Depending on the circumstances of the case, you or a loved one may be eligible for compensation for pain, suffering, medical expenses, loss of past and future wages, permanent disability, and other damages. We can also file a wrongful death claim if someone you love was killed in an accident due to a defective product.

User Safety Resources offers the latest on product safety and allows one to register for safety and recall alerts via email from the Consumer Products Safety Commission, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and others. Drug Safety and medication information can also be accessed through the FDA.

How Coffey McPharlin Helps With Costs

The cost of hiring world-class experts for each case, makes it very expensive to litigate product liability cases. We advance all of the necessary costs of litigation. If we are successful in obtaining a recovery in the case, our client pays us back for the costs we have advanced with no payment of interest. If we are not successful in achieving a recovery, our clients are not responsible for reimbursing us the costs we have advanced. Of course, we handle such cases on a contingent fee basis, insuring that our clients pay us a fee only if we recover money from the defendants. We will be happy to provide you with a free, initial consultation to enable you to discuss the merits of your possible product liability claim with one of our attorneys. If you need help – or just have a question – we invite you to contact us today for a free, first consultation.

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