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Pharmacist Malpractice Lawyers in Fort Lauderdale

Pharmaceutical errors occur at an alarming rate. Walgreens and CVS, the nation’s two largest drugstore chains, fill about 33% of all retail prescriptions nationwide. Many other pharmacies through department stores like Target and Walmart, or grocery stores like Publix, run pharmacies as loss leaders to entice shoppers for their more profitable products. The volumes of prescriptions being filled by a single Pharmacists are often staggering, with little help from the corporate management.

Commons Themes often Include:

  • Too many prescriptions, too few pharmacists
  • An emphasis on speed
  • A reliance on technicians
  • Pharmacist incentive awards
  • Counseling gaps

Pharmacist Errors Can Occur When:

  • Prescribing a drug that interacts with another prescribed drug
  • Illegible written prescriptions
  • Confusing 2 drugs with similar names
  • Prescribing the wrong dose
  • Labeling errors
  • Using poorly trained technicians to fill prescriptions

User Safety Resources offers the latest on product safety and allows one to register for safety and recall alerts via email from the Consumer Products Safety Commission, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and others. Drug Safety and medication information can also be accessed through the FDA.

Experience matters.

At Coffey McPharlin, we have decades of experience working with individuals and families affected by pharmacy errors. We engage life care planners to develop comprehensive plans to forecast what our clients will likely need, in terms of care, for the rest of their lives. We engage economic experts to provide present money-value opinions to the medical needs, as well as the loss of earning capacity that our clients have suffered and will likely experience in the future. A deep understanding of the economic damages of our clients allows us to seek a full measure of damages from those at fault.

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