Sam Coffey, prevails in a claim for wrongful death against a nursing home

Partner, Sam Coffey, prevails in a claim for wrongful death against a nursing home alleging nursing home neglect involving a fall down accident of a 92-year-old woman who sustained a head injury resulting in a subdural hematoma and ultimately the resident’s demise.  This tragic event occurred in Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida. The identities of the parties and the amount of the settlement remain confidential. The plaintiff demanded arbitration and the case settled in lieu of arbitration.  Commenting upon the settlements Sam Coffey stated, “nursing home abuse and neglect is a far too frequent occurrence. Through the Florida statutes a nursing home resident Bill of Rights exists to protect those fragile members of our society.”  Settlement date March 6, 2013.Experience makes all the difference.  If you need help or just have a question we invite you to contact us today for a free initial consultation.  You can take comfort in the fact that everything that you tell us will remain completely confidential and if we accept your case you will never pay us even a penny unless we win money for you from a jury verdict or a settlement.  You can contact us 24/7/365.  We are available to meet with you anytime and anywhere.

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