Dealing with Animal Attacks and Dog Bites

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there are approximately 4.7 million people bitten by dogs every year. These bites cost the property insurance industry roughly $656,200,000. in 2007. Fortunately, the State of Florida has enacted two statues which make dog owners strictly liable for injuries caused to others by their dogs. Florida Statue Section 767.04 states that any person injured by a dog may hold the owner liable if the injuries are caused by a dog bite. If a person is injured by a dog other that through a dog bite, Florida Statue Section 767.01 states that the owner of the dog shall be liable for any damage done by their dogs. The only legal requirements for the injured party to recover for the acts of a dog are that the injured party must be able to identify the owner of the dog that bit or injured them and in the case of a dog bite, the injured victim must establish that they were bitten while on or in a public place or lawfully on or in a private place. Therefore, for purposes of this general discussion and with the exception of certain statutory defenses, all a party injured by a dog must establish to collect damages is that the persons’ claim is being brought against the owner of the dog and that the dog bit him or otherwise caused the injury.

In instances where an individual is bitten by a dog owned by a homeowner or business owner, the homeowner or business owner may have applicable liability insurance coverage to pay any claims brought by an injured party. The Journal of the American Medical Association stated that there are almost 800,000 dog bites per year and 1 out of every 6 of them are serious enough to require medical attention. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has stated that dog bites send nearly 1,000 victims per day to hospital emergency departments for treatment. In fact, being bitten by a dog is the fifth most frequent reason for visits to emergency rooms caused by activities among children.

If you or anyone you know may have a possible personal injury claim resulting from injuries sustained by a dog bite or act of a dog, our firm will always be available to analyze the situation and discuss the issues and strategies involved in bringing a claim against the owner of the dog. We will provide you with a free consultation at no cost which will include discussing the potential liability of the owner of the dog, the amount of damages which we believe you will be entitled to and the potential for successfully collecting damages awarded from the at fault party.

Experience makes all the difference.  If you need help or just have a question we invite you to contact us today for a free initial consultation.  You can take comfort in the fact that everything that you tell us will remain completely confidential and if we accept your case you will never pay us even a penny unless we win money for you from a jury verdict or a settlement.  You can contact us 24/7/365.  We are available to meet with you anytime and anywhere.

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