The Facts about Trucking Incidents

The lawyers at Coffey McPharlin know: Getting into an accident can be a frightening experience – especially when that accident involves a truck. Incidents that occur between a regular sized vehicle and a tractor/trailer or semi-trucks are often fraught with disaster.

In the USA, around 500,000 incidents including trucks take place in a single year. Many of those semis tow trailers weighing in at about 5 tons or more. Sadly, a large number of these accidents, about 5,000 in fact, result in death. Statistically, 1 of every 8 vehicle crashes that end with fatalities includes a truck.

Unfortunately, in such collisions, the smaller vehicle usually undergoes the most damage. The sheer size and height of a truck allows the driver to remain mostly protected and largely unharmed in most incidents. However, for the driver and passengers of the regularly sized automobile, injuries are prevalent and death is not improbable. The worst of such incidents and tragedies, though, is the fact that they are often avoidable, due to legitimate prevention actions that truck drivers ought to employ.

When dealing with an accident involving a truck, it is best to seek someone with experience in handling similar scenarios. There are many facets to handling such a case: Allow us at Coffey McPharlin to help you benefit from our experience.

If you or a loved one has been in a vehicular accident in which a truck took part, contact us today. We offer a free initial consultation and the promise that all of the information you share will remain confidential. Additionally, should we take your case, you can rest assured that we only charge after we win money for you from a jury verdict or a settlement. We are available to meet with you: Anytime, anywhere.