AAA Survey Finds 8 in 10 Drivers Admit to Having Road Rage

According to a recent AAA report, 78 percent of U.S. drivers self-report having road rage. That’s nearly 8 in every 10 drivers who reported engaging in an aggressive driving behavior within the last year.

AAA conducted the study, which involved 2,705 drivers, in 2014. While few reported regularly engaging in the various behaviors AAA asked about, a significant portion of the respondents admitted to engaging in one or more of the behaviors at least once within the past year.

Self-Reported Aggressive Driving Behaviors

The survey found that more than half of respondents admitted to tailgating another vehicle in the last year, and over 40 percent admitted to yelling at another driver or honking to show annoyance or anger.

Below is a breakdown of the behaviors that the survey respondents admitted to engaging in at least once over the previous year:

Do you also have road rage?

Upon reading up to this point, you may be wondering if you have ever committed road rage. If your answer is “yes” to the following questions, then you may have road rage:

Were you in an accident? Call Bressman Law!

Road rage accidents can happen at any time and any place. Recently, in Pasco County, Florida, a road raged driver in a car ran over a motorcycle in the middle of traffic, according to media reports. The motorcycle driver and passenger sustained only minor injuries. The road raged driver was arrested soon after the incident.

If you or a loved one were involved in an auto accident that another driver caused – whether intentionally or unintentionally – talk to Coffey McPharlin about filing a claim against that driver.

Call us at 954-541-3194 to learn more about how we can put our 20-plus years of combined legal experience to work for your claim.