3 Steps to Follow After an Accident – Miami Car Accident Lawyer

An experienced, knowledgeable lawyer will help you learn what to do after a serious accident in order to help you put your life back together. At Coffey McPharlin, we offer 3 steps you can take that may be beneficial:
  1. Just the Facts
    • Who? Try to get all contact information of anyone involved in the accident, as well as all witnesses at the scene of the accident, if you can. The police usually do a good job of collecting this information for you in the police report.
    • Map it out or draw a diagram of the accident scene as soon as you feel up to the task because your memory may fade over time.
    • Photograph it. Everybody has a smart phone now. Make sure that you or someone else takes pictures of the scene, the cars involved, and your injuries over the course of time.
  2. Get to the Doctor!
    • There are two important reasons for early and thorough treatment that you might not appreciate. First, you may not feel injured, but there are very serious injuries that you may have sustained without realizing due to shock or perhaps you think that they are minor and will go away in a week or two. Second, if you do not get to a doctor quickly, some of your available insurance benefits may be unavailable later and an insurance company will inevitably argue that you must not be hurt by the accident since you waited to go to the doctor.
  3. You can contact us 24/7/365.  Call Coffey McPharlin to protect your rights as the insurance company will leap into action immediately after your accident to protect their driver.

Experience makes all the difference.

If you need help, or even just have a question, we invite you to contact us today for a free, initial consultation. You can take comfort in the fact that everything that you tell us will remain completely confidential and, if we accept your case, you will never pay us a penny unless we win money for you from a jury verdict or a settlement.

You can contact us 24/7/365.  We are available to meet with you anytime and anywhere.